Degustazione al Vinòcolo di Tezze sul Brenta (26/10/2021)

Il Vinòcolo in Tezze sul Brenta (VI) will host a tasting of our wines on Tuesday, October 26th 2021. Andrea will led the tasting, presenting our wines.

Each wine will be paired to local food specialties. Price of the tasting is euro 30,00.

Limited places available.
If you need more information or if you want to make a reservation, please contact Il Vinòcolo:
• +39.349.4460988



Name of the event: Picchioni tasting at Il Vinòcolo
When: October 26th 2021
Where: Tezze sul Brenta (VI)
Location of the event: Il Vinòcolo wine bar
Address: via Risorgimento, 26
Event starts at: 08:30 pm
Price: euro 30,00
Information and reservations: +39.349.4460988 e