Degustazione di Metodo Classico a "Mangia e beva a Caned" (15/10/2023)

We are pleased to invite you to the “Mangia e beva a Caned“ festival that will be held in Canneto Pavese (PV) on Sunday, October 15th 2023 from 10:30 AM on.
The festival is organised by the Pro Loco di Canneto Pavese touristic association to celebrate the coming of autumn and the local quality wines and food.

Two wine tastings are featured in the programme of the event: one is dedicated to the Metodo Classico sparkling wines produced in Canneto Pavese and the other to the traditional Buttafuoco Storico red wine. Both tastings will start at 10:30 AM.

Here’s the list of the Buttafuoco Storico wines:
• Consorzio Club del Buttafuoco Storico – I Vignaioli del Buttafuoco Storico 2018
• Giulio Fiamberti – Vigna Sacca del Prete 2017
• Massimo Piovani – Vigna Bricco in Versira 2016

Here’s the list of the Metodo Classico sparkling wines:
• Bruno Verdi – Vergomberra Dosaggio Zéro 2019
• Quaquarini Francesco – Classese Brut 2015
• Picchioni Andrea – Profilo Rosé Pas Dosé 2013

Our wines will also be available in the restaurant area if you want to pair them with the dishes cooked by the festival chefs.

If you want to know more about the event, please call +39.333.9310810 (WhatsApp only).


Name of the event: Metodo Classico tasting at “Mangia e beva a Caned” festival
When: October 15th 2023
Where: Canneto Pavese (PV)
Location of the event: Canneto Pavese centre
Address: piazza della Chiesa
Opening hours: from 10:30 AM
Price: euro 15,00 (price includes three glasses, glass-holder and a platter of salumi produced by Fratelli Daturi)
Information: +39.333.9310810 (WhatsApp only)