
The Fondazione Italiana Sommelier del Veneto association has organised a double vertical tasting dedicated to the Oltrepò Pavese wines: four vintages of our Buttafuoco Bricco Riva Bianca (2009, 2008, 2007 and 2003) will be presented together with four vintages of the famous Barbacarlo by Lino Maga (2011, 2010, 2009 and 2007). The wines will be paired with salami and cheese produced in Oltrepò Pavese. A dessert will also be served at the end of the tasting .

The vertical tasting will take place in Verona and will be hosted by the Due Torri hotel (Piazza Sant’Anastasia 4) at 8:00 pm.

For reservations please send an email to:
or please call +39.337.820026.

Prices: euro 30 (FIS members) or euro 35 (non members).
Payment by bank transfer only. Please send your payment to:
IBAN: IT58 K057 2860 1200 2857 1213 755