Un sabato di vino con FIVI (Casteggio, PV - 04/05/2024)

We will present our wines in Casteggio (PV) on Saturday, May 4th 2024 at the grand tasting organised by FIVI Oltrepò Pavese in collaboration with the Enocuriosi association. The event will be hosted by Tenuta Frecciarossa (opening hours: from 11:00 AM to 07:00 PM).

The grand tasting will feature 37 FIVI Oltrepò Pavese member wineries.
Food trucks will serve local food specialties.

In the event of bad weather, the tasting will be postponed to Sunday, May 5th.

Should you need more information about the event, please send an email to:

The admission fee is euro 15,00 (euro 10,00 for members of the Enocuriosi association) and includes one glass and one glass holder.
The money will be given to the Adolescere foundation.

Here’s the list iof the participating wineries:
• Achille Dellafiore
• Alberto Fiori
• Alessio Brandolini
• Barbara Avellino
• Bertelegni
• Bisi
• Bosco Longhino
• Brandolini Pietro
• Bricco dei Roncotti
• Buscaglia
• Cà degli Orsi
• Cà del Gè
• Calatroni
• Colle del Bricco
• Corte Fabbri
• Dezza 1890
• Frecciarossa
• Giorgi Franco
• Grazioli
• Molino di Rovescala
• La Piotta
• La Rocchetta di Mondondone
• La Travaglina
• Marchesi di Montalto
• Marco Vercesi
• Martilde
• Molino di Rovescala
• Montelio
• Picchioni Andrea
• Piccolo Bacco dei Quaroni
• Pietro Torti
• Spirito Libero
• Torrazzetta
• Torre degli Alberi
• Torti – L’Eleganza del Vino
• Pietro Torti
• Verum


Name of the event: FIVI Oltrepò Pavese tasting
When: May 4th 2024
Where: Casteggio (PV)
Location of the event: Tenuta Frecciarossa
Address: via Fratelli Vigorelli, 141
Opening hours: from 11:00 AM to 07:00 PM
Admission fee: euro 15,00 euro (euro 10,00 for members of the Enocuriosi association)
Information: oltrepopavese@fivi.it or info@enocuriosi.it or info@frecciarossa.com