Serata Oltrepò all'Aqua Crua (06/03/2019)

We are pleased to invite you in Barbarano Vicentino (VI) to a special Oltrepò Pavese tasting organised by Michelin-starred restaurant Aqua Crua on Wednesday, March 6th 2019. The tasting, led by Andrea Picchioni and Fabio Marazzi with the help of resident sommelier Paolo Rancati, will feature 3 wines by our winery and 3 wines by Scuropasso winery. Chef Giuliano Baldessari will provide some creative food pairings. The tasting is limited to 16 people.

Here’s the list of the wines:
• Roccapietra Brut Vintage 2010 (Scuropasso winery)
• Roccapietra Pas Dosé Vintage 2012 (Scuropasso winery)
• Cruasé Vintage 2012 (Scuropasso winery)

• Profilo Rosé Vintage 2009 (Picchioni Andrea winery)
• Pinot Nero Arfena 2016 (Picchioni Andrea winery)
• Buttafuoco Bricco Riva Bianca 2015 (Picchioni Andrea winery)


Name of the event: Oltrepò Pavese tasting
When: March 6th 2019
Where: Barbarano Vicentino (VI)
Location of the event: Aqua Crua restaurant
Address: piazza Calcalusso, 11
Event starts at: 08:00 pm
Price: euro 80,00
Information and reservations: +39.0444.776096 or