a tavola con la tradizione

We’re really pleased to invite you to a tasting dinner dedicated to the traditional food of our land. The event will be hosted by our friends at Antonio Dellabianca winery in Pietra de’ Giorgi (PV). During the dinner Elisabetta Balduzzi and Guido Conti will present their new book “Traditional recipes of Voghera and Oltrepò Pavese”. The 4-course menu will feature recipes from the book paired to Oltrepò Pavese wines (including our Rosso d’Asia) chosen by renowned winemaker Mario Maffi.

Prices: euro 43 euro per person (including dinner and one copy of the book) or euro 70 per couple (including dinner and 2 copies of the book). For info and reservations please call +39.0385.85291 or +39.0385.284171 or +39.338.5070564 or +39.339.2758449.